The tharch of Gauros, updated to show created settlements
Denzar, capital of Gauros
Alignment: NE
Population: Sufficient
Races: Rashemi, significant half orc population, gnomes are commons slaves
Classes: Rangers predominate, fighters common, clerics and adepts common
Temples: Malar, Tempus, Shaundakul
Shrines: Shar, Garagos, Beshaba, Bane, Auril
Age: Well Established
Reputation: Accepted
Virtue: Confidence
Vice: Wrath
Recent Event: New Attack
Desires: More Time
Security: Basic
Access: Often Visited
Repair: Poor
Impression: Belligerent
Sanitation: Tolerable
Lighting: Poor
Streets: Gravel
Denzar, capital of Gauros
Alignment: NE
Population: Sufficient
Races: Rashemi, significant half orc population, gnomes are commons slaves
Classes: Rangers predominate, fighters common, clerics and adepts common
Temples: Malar, Tempus, Shaundakul
Shrines: Shar, Garagos, Beshaba, Bane, Auril
Age: Well Established
Reputation: Accepted
Virtue: Confidence
Vice: Wrath
Recent Event: New Attack
Desires: More Time
Security: Basic
Access: Often Visited
Repair: Poor
Impression: Belligerent
Sanitation: Tolerable
Lighting: Poor
Streets: Gravel